Remuneration policy Consensus Vocalis
The remuneration policy established by the board is as follows:
Consensus Vocalis follows the Collective Labor Agreement for Music Ensembles with regard to the wage structure.
· Scale M for musicians and choir leader
· Scale V for education employee and website management & development employee
· Scale VI for production manager and marketing manager
· Scale VIII for head of production
· Scale X for artistic director and general manager
For freelancers, a collective labor agreement ME salary in the context of the Fair Practice Code is converted into a self-employed person rate using Platform ACCT’s calculation tool. The Collective Labor Agreement for Music Ensembles is not yet listed in this calculation tool. For the time being, we use the Collective Labor Agreement for Theater and Dance in the calculation tool.
The Kunstenbond rate tool for non-billable hours is 17%. The hourly rates exclude travel and accommodation costs and exclude VAT. The General Manager is a permanent employee. All other team employees are currently freelancers. They are classified according to experience and age.
We love to hear from you
Do you have a question, a suggestion or a compliment for us? Or would you like to work with us? Feel free to let us know via the contact form. We will answer you as soon as possible.
Francis Faas, director